Image source: Pocket Pair, Inc
As you’d expect from a catch-em-all RPG, breeding creatures to create unique combos is a big part of the Palworld experience. The mechanic allows players to create a new generation of Pals, inheriting traits from their parents. The process begins with choosing two Pals and placing them in the designated Breeding Farm. The collective characteristics of these Pals, from appearance to abilities, contribute to the creation of a unique Pal egg. Here’s an overview of all the Palworld breeding combos we’ve experimented with so far. We’ve recently updated with a more comprehensive list.
All Palworld Breeding Combos
As the strength of Fusion Pals is unmatched, players strive to breed the best Fusion Pals. Here is a comprehensive list of some potent Fusion Pals that you can breed:
Primary Parent | Secondary Parent | Resulting Fusion Pal |
Penking | Bushi | Anubis |
Rooby | Mossanda | Arsox |
Mammorest | Blazamut | Astegon |
Nitewing | Incineram | Azurobe |
Ragnahawk | Suzaku | Beakon |
Fuddler | Eikthyrdeer | Beegarde |
Blazamut | Blazamut | Blazamut |
Penking | Eikthyrdeer | Blazehowl |
Blazehowl | Felbat | Blazehowl Noct |
Lifmunk | Fuddler | Bristla |
Chikipi | Beakon | Broncherry |
Fuack | Broncherry | Broncherry Aqua |
Penking | Tombat | Bushi |
Lifmunk | Mossanda | Caprity |
Lamball | Vixy | Cattiva |
Direhowl | Gobfin | Cawgnito |
Penking | Fuddler | Celaray |
Chikipi | Chikipi | Chikipi |
Penking | Gobfin | Chillet |
Univolt | Mammorest | Cinnamoth |
Chikipi | Sparkit | Cremis |
Beakon | Shadowbeak | Cryolinx |
Direhowl | Sparkit | Daedream |
Cattiva | Loupmoon | Dazzi |
Jolthog | Foxpaks | Depresso |
Tanzee | Mossanda | Digtoise |
Rooby | Cinnamoth | Dinossom |
Rayhound | Dinossom | Dinossom Lux |
Lamball | Bushi | Direhowl |
Jolthog | Mossanda | Dumud |
Lifmunk | Nitewing | Eikthyrdeer |
Hangyu | Eikthyrdeer | Eikthyrdeer Terra |
Nitewing | Lyleen | Elizabee |
Incineram | Cinnamoth | Elphidran |
Surfent | Elphidran | Elphidran Aqua |
Vanwyrm | Anubis | Faleris |
Chikipi | Grintale | Felbat |
Cattiva | Grintale | Fenglope |
Cattiva | Pengullet | Flambelle |
Sparkit | Rooby | Flopie |
Rooby | Ragnahawk | Foxcicle |
Lifmunk | Jolthog Cryst | Foxparks |
Frostallion | Frostallion | Frostallion |
Frostallion | Helzephyr | Frostallion Nox |
Tanzee | Sparkit | Fuack |
Hoocrates | Direhowl | Fuddler |
Lamball | Incineram | Galeclaw |
Lifemunk | Arsox | Gobfin |
Fuddler | Celaray | Gorirat |
Mossanda | Incineram | Grintale |
Mossanda | Rayhound | Grizzbolt |
Fuack | Rooby | Gumoss |
Gumoss (Special) | Gumoss (Special) | Gumoss (Special) |
Lamball | Jolthog | Hangyu |
Hangyu | Swee | Hangyu Cryst |
Quivern | Blazamut | Helzephyr |
Lifmunk | Pengullet | Hoocrates |
Kingpaca | Reindrix | Ice Kingpaca |
Reptyro | Foxcicle | Ice Reptyro |
Penking | Univolt | Incineram |
Incineram | Maraith | Incineram Noct |
Jetragon | Jetragon | Jetragon |
Fuack | Sparkit | Jolthog |
Jolthog | Pengullet | Jolthog Cryst |
Sweepa | Beakon | Jormuntide |
Jormuntide Ignis | Jormuntide Ignis | Jormuntide Ignis |
Penking | Celaray | Katress |
Rooby | Jolthog | Kelpsea |
Rooby | Hoocrates | Kelpsea Ignis |
Tanzee | Fuack | Killamari |
Penking | Nitewing | Kingpaca |
Tanzee | Nitewing | Kitsun |
Chikipi | Lifmunk | Lamball |
Rooby | Cawgnito | Leezpunk |
Leezpunk | Flambelle | Leezpunk Ignis |
Foxparks | Cattiva | Lifmunk |
Lamball | Nitewing | Loupmoon |
Cattiva | Nitewing | Lovander |
Lifmunk | Chillet | Lunaris |
Mossanda | Petallia | Lyleen |
Lyleen | Menasting | Lyleen Noct |
Beakon | Ragnahawk | Mammorest |
Mammorest | Wumpo | Mammorest Cryst |
Pengullet | Loupmoon | Maraith |
Chikipi | Lamball | Mau |
Pengullet | Mau | Mau Cryst |
Tanzee | Penking | Melpaca |
Beakon | Mammorest | Menasting |
Penking | Warsect | Mossanda |
Mossanda | Grizzbolt | Mossanda Lux |
Hoocrates | Nitewing | Mozzarina |
Necromus | Necromus | Necromus |
Sweepa | Mossanda | Nitewing |
Melpaca | Cattiva | Nox |
Relaxasaurus | Grizzbolt | Orserk |
Paladius | Paladius | Paladius |
Gumoss | Cattiva | Pengullet |
Fuack | Beakon | Petallia |
Penking | Grizzbolt | Pyrin |
Pyrin | Katress | Pyrin Noct |
Pyrin | Warsect | Quivern |
Surfent | Beakon | Ragnahawk |
Tanzee | Grizzbolt | Rayhound |
Fuack | Mossanda | Reindrix |
Ragnahawk | Grizzbolt | Relaxasaurus |
Sparkit | Relaxasaurus | Relaxasaurus Lux |
Mossanda | Beakon | Reptyro |
Cattiva | Rooby | Ribunny |
Pengullet | Univolt | Robinquill |
Fuddler | Robinquill | Robinquill Terra |
Direhowl | Tanzee | Rooby |
Celaray | Sparkit | Rushoar |
Kitsun | Astegon | Shadowbeak |
Nitewing | Cinnamoth | Sibelyx |
Lamball | Pengullet | Sparkit |
Penking | Incineram | Surfent |
Dumud | Surfent | Surfent Terra |
Blazamut | Astegon | Suzaku |
Suzaku | Jormuntide | Suzaku Aqua |
Tanzee | Pengullet | Swee |
Penking | Mammorest | Sweepa |
Rooby | Pengullet | Tanzee |
Chikipi | Mau | Teafant |
Cattiva | Fuddler | Tocotoco |
Direhowl | Mossanda | Tombat |
Celaray | Grintale | Univolt |
Tanzee | Digtoise | Vaelet |
Celaray | Mossanda | Vanwyrm |
Foxcicle | Vanwyrm | Vanwyrm Cryst |
Tanzee | Rayhound | Verdash |
Foxparks | Chikipi | Vixy |
Cinnamoth | Grizzbolt | Warsect |
Lamball | Celaray | Wixen |
Fuack | Direhowl | Woolipop |
Nitewing | Grintale | Wumpo |
Penking | Mossanda | Wumpo Botan |
Best Fusion Pals
Choosing the right breeding combos can yield powerful Pals. Here are some of the best breeding combos to consider first based on our experience:
- Mossanda and Petallia Breeding Combo:
- Both are Grass Element Pals.
- Breeding them results in Lyleen, another Grass Pal, known for its ability to quickly recover HP, making it a valuable partner.
- Elizabee and Pyrin:
- Elizabee is a Grass Element, while Pyrin is a Fire Element.
- Their offspring is Warsect, a Ground/Grass Element Pal. Warsect is notable for its size, ability to handle large trees, and for enhancing defense.
- Relaxasaurus and Sparkit:
- Relaxasaurus combines Dragon and Water Elements, and Sparkit is an Electric Element.
- Their fusion results in Relaxasaurus Lux, a Dragon/Electric Pal with a mohawk, capable of missile launchers and electric skills.
- Mossanda and Rayhound Breeding Combo:
- Mossanda is a Grass Element, and Rayhound is an Electric Element.
- Their breeding leads to the creation of Grizzbolt, a minigun-toting teddy bear Pal, which is easier to obtain through breeding than finding in the wild.
- Kitsun and Astegon:
- Kitsun is a Fire Element, and Astegon combines Dragon and Dark Elements.
- They produce Shadowbeak, a Dark Element Pal. Shadowbeak is typically available via the Sanctuary and offers enhanced Dark attacks and the ability to fly when mounted.
How to Breed Pals in Palworld
To breed Pals in Palworld, the first step is to construct a Breeding Farm. The facility becomes accessible once you reach level 19.
Here are the materials needed to build a Breeding Farm (you can check out list of resources for details on where to find them):
- 100 Wood
- 50 Fiber
- 20 Stone
To breed Fusion Pals, you need to place two Pals of opposite genders in the Breeding Farm. When these Pals produce an egg, the hatched Pal takes on the appearance of one parent while inheriting the traits of both. Occasionally, breeding two Pals of different species may yield a unique Fusion Pal.
Hatching Pal Eggs in Palworld
After the breeding process, the next step is hatching the eggs. To hatch an egg, you need to build an Incubator.
To unlock the Incubator, you need to collect and spend Ancient Technology Points. You can collect these points by defeating powerful enemies like world bosses and trainer bosses (which do respawn).
Here are the materials needed to build an Egg Incubator:
- 10 Paldium Fragments
- 5 Cloth
- 30 Stone
- 2 Ancient Civilization Parts
How to Hatch Pal Eggs in Palworld
Once you have an Incubator, place your newly bred egg inside and wait for it to hatch. The hatching process can take several hours, but remember, the countdown timer for Pal hatching progresses even when you’re offline.
So there you have it; breeding in Palworld creates unique, powerful, and sometimes rare companions. We’ll continue to keep this list of the best Palworld breeding combos updated as we play around over the coming days. Check out our starter guide for more useful tips in the early game.