how to unlock all stratagems in helldivers 2

Image source: Arrowhead Games

Death from above.

In Helldivers 2, success in your celestial missions is largely dependent on strategic use of Stratagems. These are combat aids sent from your Destroyer ship orbiting the planet where you’re executing your mission. Here, we’ll explore all the Stratagems available in Helldivers 2, their functionalities, and ways to unlock them. We’ve also updated this guide to answer which we consider the best Stratagems in the game. Also, you can view our list of codes to use the Stratagems to compliment this guide.

Stratagems in Helldivers 2

Stratagems are categorized into six major types, each enhancing different aspects of your battlefield prowess:

  • Patriotic Administration Centre: This category includes heavy and potent weaponry.
  • Orbital Cannons: Offers heavy artillery support from your orbiting Destroyer.
  • Hangar: Provides explosive power and enhanced mobility.
  • Bridge: Deals with elemental damage.
  • Engineering Bay: Outfits you with offensive and defensive gear.
  • Robotics Workshop: Grants access to Sentry turrets.

You can customize your Stratagem loadout using the Ship Management console aboard the Destroyer. Four consoles are provided, enabling all players to choose and unlock their preferred Stratagems. After selecting your Stratagems, they can be confirmed at your loadout post-operation selection.

Stratagems are unlocked as you gain experience and level up by achieving Helldivers 2 operations. Each unlock also comes with a credit cost, which you can cover by completing additional operations and Orders.

Patriotic Administration Centre Stratagems



Unlock Requirements

Machine Gun

A potent machine gun capable of eliminating lower-tiered enemies with a single shot

Unlocked at level one

Anti-Material Rifle

A sniper rifle with immense power against light armor. Requires aiming down sights to use

Unlocked at level two and costs 5000 credits


A machine gun with a large magazine and easy operation

Unlocked at level two and costs 3500 credits

Expendable Anti-Tank

A single-use rocket launcher designed for destroying armor

Unlocked at level three and costs 3000 credits

Recoilless Rifle

A reloadable rocket launcher effective against armored aliens

Unlocked at level five


A weapon that sets enemies and the environment ablaze. Be careful as it can ignite teammates too. Suitable for close-range combat

Unlocked at level 10


A fully-automatic cannon effective against armored targets

Unlocked at level 10


Comes equipped with charged armor-piercing shots

Unlocked at level 20


A homing missile that requires lock onto armored targets

Unlocked at level 20

Orbital Cannons Stratagems



Unlock Requirements

Orbital Gatling Barrage

Fires multiple high-explosive rounds from the Destroyer

Unlocked at level two and costs 1500 credits

Orbital Airburst Strike

Releases shrapnel rounds from orbit capable of eliminating multiple low-level enemies simultaneously

Unlocked at level five

Orbital 120MM HE Barrage

A small but powerful missile capable of wiping out groups of enemies

Unlocked at level five

Orbital 380MM HE Barrage

Unleashes multiple airstrikes over a vast radius

Unlocked at level eight

Orbital Walking Barrage

A moving barrage with multiple artillery strikes following one after another

Unlocked at level 10

Orbital Laser

A laser that targets enemies within its attack radius

Unlocked at level 15

Orbital Railcannon Strike

A potent strike that targets the largest enemy closest to the beacon

Unlocked at level 20

Hangar Stratagems



Unlock Requirements

Eagle Strafing Run

A fast-shooting artillery attack effective against smaller enemies

Unlocked at level two and costs 1500 credits

Eagle Airstrike

A sequence of bombs detonated in a row, not specific to enemy targets

Unlocked at level two and costs 4000 credits

Eagle Cluster Bomb

A small airstrike capable of eliminating smaller enemies

Unlocked at level three and costs 4000 credits

Eagle Napalm Airstrike

Deploys napalm bombs creating a wall of fire

Unlocked at level five

Jump Pack

Charge the Jump Pack to leap over armored enemies and walls and avoid incoming damage from nearby enemies

Unlocked at level eight

Eagle Smoke Strike

Deploys multiple smoke grenades that obscure enemies’ line of sight, allowing for repositioning and ambushing

Unlocked at level eight

Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods

A small cluster of bombs that target the largest enemy nearest to the beacon

Unlocked at level 10

Eagle 500KG Bomb

A large bomb that destroys anything within its blast radius

Unlocked at level 15

Bridge Stratagems



Unlock Requirements

Orbital Precision Strike

A single precision shot delivered from above

Unlocked at level one

Orbital Gas Strike

Shoots a projectile that releases corrosive gas

Unlocked at level three and costs 4000 credits

Orbital EMS Strike

Stuns and halts enemy movements with an electrical blast field

Unlocked at level five

Orbital Smoke Strike

Creates a smoke screen, reducing enemies’ line of sight

Unlocked at level eight

HMG Emplacement

A manned and stationary turret that rotates slowly but delivers high power with each shot

Unlocked at level 10

Shield Generator Relay

Deploys an energy shield

Unlocked at level 10

Tesla Tower

An electric pylon that shocks nearby enemies

Unlocked at level 15

Engineering Bay Stratagems



Unlock Requirements

Anti-Personnel Minefield

A stationary structure that deploys minefields in a large surrounding radius

Unlocked at level two and costs 1500 credits

Supply Pack

A backpack that provides ammunition to other Helldivers

Unlocked at level three and costs 4000 credits

Grenade Launcher

A grenade launcher effective against low-level enemies

Unlocked at level five

Laser Cannon

Fires a continuous beam that can overheat

Unlocked at level five

Incendiary Mines

Another structure that deploys mines within its radius with incendiary effects

Unlocked at level eight

“Guard Dog” Rover

A drone equipped with a laser rifle

Unlocked at level 10

Ballistic Shield Backpack

A shield effective against small incoming damage

Unlocked at level 12

Arc Thrower

A weapon that fires an arc of lightning, effective only at close range

Unlocked at level 15

Shield Generator Pack

A shield that protects the Helldiver from projectiles

Unlocked at level 20

Robotics Workshop Stratagems



Unlock Requirements

Machine Gun Sentry

A machine gun turret

Unlocked at level three and costs 1500 credits

Gatling Sentry

An automatic turret with a high rate of fire

Unlocked at level five

Mortar Sentry

A turret that fires shells, ideal for long-range battles

Unlocked at level eight

“Guard Dog”

A drone equipped with an assault rifle

Unlocked at level 10

Autocannon Sentry

An anti-tank cannon that auto-fires

Unlocked at level 13

Rocket Sentry

An automated turret effective against armored enemies

Unlocked at level 15

EMS Mortar Sentry

A turret that fires electrical generators that shock enemies

Unlocked at level 20

Best Stratagems in Helldivers 2

Now we’ve listed them all, let’s break down which we actually consider the best in the game. Here’s our top 5:

  1. Orbital 380MM HE Barrage – Ideal for clearing large areas with its continuous explosions, it’s perfect against buildings and armored foes, albeit with a longer cooldown of 240 seconds.
  2. Shield Generator Relay – Offers protection from enemy projectiles while allowing you to return fire, especially effective against Automation enemies with a short 90-second cooldown for frequent use.
  3. Rocket Sentry – Targets large enemies with powerful attacks, making it excellent against armored threats, and has a 180-second cooldown.
  4. Jump Pack – Enhances mobility and allows for quick evasion of charging enemies, though it requires recharging between uses with a 480-second cooldown.
  5. Eagle 500KG Bomb – Delivers unmatched destructive power against large enemies in a single-use, mission-specific application without a cooldown.

So there you have it. That wraps up all stratagems in Helldivers 2 and how to unlock them. Hopefully, you’re enjoying a smooth gameplay experience thus far — many players have encountered a crashing bug.