Image source: Square Enix
If you’ve picked up Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and you have any social plans, cancel them. Not only is the main game incredible, but the new card game, Queen’s Blood, is horrendously addicting. It offers a fantastic diversion from Cloud and Co.’s main quest. With a total of 30 players to challenge across various regions, each victory brings you closer to becoming the ultimate Queen’s Blood champion. Here’s a comprehensive guide to all Queen’s Blood players in FF7 Rebirth, the locations where you can find them, and the rewards they offer. We’ll also detail the full list of Queen’s Blood cards too.
All Queen’s Blood Players in FF7 Rebirth, Locations and Rewards
Grasslands – Kalm Queen’s Blood Players
- Nene (Mr. Cuddlesworth): Reward – #12 Cactuar (Standard)
- Zahira: Reward – #17 Screamer (Standard)
- Ned: Reward – #13 Crystalline Crab (Standard)
Junon Queen’s Blood Players
- Zogan – Port of Under Junon: Reward – #24 Zemzelett (Standard)
- Isabelle – Under Junon: Reward – #96 Shiva (Legendary)
- Darren and Devin – Under Junon: Reward – #21 Ogre (Standard)
- Neil – Crow’s Nest: Reward – #30 Flame Trooper (Standard)
- Michaela – Crow’s Nest: Reward – #27 Mindflayer (Standard)
- Cameron – Crow’s Nest: (Condition: Reach Blood Squire Level & Defeat nine players) Reward – #1213 Midgarsormr (Legendary)
Shinra-8 Ship Queen’s Blood Players
- Join the Queen’s Blood Tournament and challenge your party members in five rounds. Meet Regina, a notable player, during this optional event.
Corel Region Queen’s Blood Players
- Dokaccha – Costa del Sol: (Condition: Reach Chapter 12) Reward – #74 Rictus (Standard)
- Riana – Costa del Sol: (Condition: Reach Chapter 12) Reward – #77 Diabolical Variant (Standard)
- Maahir – Costa del Sol: (Condition: Reach Chapter 12) Reward – #79 2-C SOLDIER Operative (Standard)
- Pietro – The Dustbowl: Reward – #47 Joker (Standard)
- Dax – The Dustbowl: Reward – #42 Thug (Standard)
- Mary – The Dustbowl: Reward – #43 Death Claw (Standard)
- Wize 3.0 Ver. 2.0 – The Dustbowl: (Condition: Reach Blood Knight 2nd Level)
- Lidrehl / Specter of the Cards – The Gold Saucer: (Condition: Reach Blood Marquis Level) Reward – #97 Ramuh (Legendary)
- Rolf – North Corel: Reward – #41 Bomb (Standard)
- Biff – North Corel: Reward – #39 Cockatrice (Standard)
- Navalan – North Corel: (Condition: Reach Blood Knight Level & Defeat 15 players) Reward – #38 Bagnadrana (Standard)
Gongaga Queen’s Blood Players
- Zhujin: Reward – #55 Great Malboro (Standard)
- Landon and Oscar: Reward – #59 Griffon (Standard)
- Regina: (Condition: Reach Blood Tactician Level & Defeat 18 players) Reward – #53 Maloceros (Standard)
- Regina / Shadowblood Queen – Gongaga Ruins: (Condition: Reach Blood Executioner Level & Defeat 29 players) Reward – #145 Shadowblood Queen (Legendary)
Cosmo Canyon Queen’s Blood Players
- Robin: Reward – #51 Insectoid Chimera (Standard)
- Ka’dina: Reward – #66 Two Face (Standard)
- Bernard: Reward – #61 Reapertail (Standard)
Nibel Queen’s Blood Players
- Turner – Nibelheim: Reward – #68 Valron (Standard)
- Dale – Nibelheim: Reward – #71 Twin Brain (Standard)
- Vincent – Shinra Manor: (Condition: Reach Blood Sovereign Level & Defeat 28 players) Reward – #144 Emerald Witch (Legendary)
Queen’s Blood Levels
If you want to be the very best, here are the levels you can achieve in Queen’s Blood, and how to attain them:
- Blood Squire: Defeat nine players.
- Blood Knight: Defeat 12 players.
- Blood Knight 2nd: Defeat 15 players.
- Blood Captain: Defeat 18 players.
- Blood Tactician: Defeat 21 players.
- Blood Marquis: Defeat 24 players.
- Blood Sovereign: Defeat 28 players.
- Blood Executioner: Defeat 29 players.
- Blood Champion: Defeat 30 players.
All Queen’s Blood Cards
Here’s a list of all the cards you can collect in Queen’s Blood:
Grasslands Cards
- Cactuar: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play. (Obtain by defeating Nene in Kalm)
- Crystalline Crab: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play. (Obtain by defeating Ned in Kalm)
- Screamer: No effect. (Obtain by defeating Zahira in Kalm)
- Chocobo & Moogle: Raise power by 1 for each other enhanced allied card. (Complete the A Rare Card Lost side quest in Kalm)
Thorin’s Card Shop
- Titan: When played, raise position ranks by 2. (Purchase for 500 gil)
- Kujata: When first enhanced, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 5. (Reach Gongaga, then purchase for 500 gil)
- Odin: Raise power by 2 for each enhanced enemy card. (Reach Nibel, then purchase for 500 gil)
- Phoenix: When destroyed, raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 5. (Reach Junon, then purchase for 500 gil)
- Alexander: Raise power by 3 for each other enfeebled allied card. (Reach Corel, then purchase for 500 gil)
- Bahamut Arisen: When played, spawn Elementals–cards that enhance when destroyed–in your empty positions. (Reach Cosmo Canyon, then purchase for 500 gil)
- Fat Chocobo: No effect. (Purchase for 500 gil)
Junon Region Cards
- Ogre: No effect. (Defeat the Moore twins in Under Junon)
- Zemzelett: Raise the power of allied cards by 3 while this card is in play. (Defeat Zogan in Under Junon)
- Mindflayer: Lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 1 while this card is in play. (Defeat Michaela in Crow’s Nest)
- Flametrooper: When destroyed, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 3. (Defeat Neil in Crow’s Nest)
- Ifrit: Raise power by 2 for each other enhanced allied card. (Win the tournament on the Shinra-8 ship)
- Shiva: When played, spawn Diamond Dust of power 2, 4, or 6 in empty positions. (Defeat Isabelle in Under Junon)
- Midgardsormr: When allied and enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card’s power by 1. (Defeat Cameron in Crow’s Nest after reaching Blood Squire rank)
- Terror of the Deep: Lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 1 while this card is in play. (Win the tournament on the Shinra-8 ship)
Corel Region Cards
- Fleetwing: No effect. (Complete the Card Carnival Three-Card Stud challenge)
- Spearhawk: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play. (Complete the Card Carnival Spears and Needles challenge)
- Sea Devil: When allied cards are played from hand, raise this card’s power by 1. (Complete the Card Carnival Sea Devil by Night challenge)
- Tonberry King: When allied cards are destroyed, raise this card’s power by 2. (Complete the Card Carnival Kingly Clash challenge)
- Bagnadrana: When enemy cards are played from hand, raise this card’s power by 1. (Defeat Navalan in North Corel after reaching Blood Knight rank)
- Cockatrice: When played, destroy allied and enemy cards on affected tiles. (Defeat Rolf in North Corel)
- Bomb: When destroyed, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 4. (Defeat Biff in North Corel)
- Rictus: Raise power by 1 for each other enfeebled allied and enemy card. (Defeat Dokaccha in Costa del Sol in Chapter 12)
- Diabolic Variant: Replace an ally and lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally’s power. (Defeat Riana in Costa del Sol in Chapter 12)
- 2-C SOLDIER Operator: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play. (Defeat Maahir in Costa del Sol in Chapter 12)
- Cloud: When this card’s power first reaches 7, raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2. (Complete the Card Carnival Cloud challenge)
- Barret: When played, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 8. (Complete the Card Carnival Barret challenge)
- Tifa: When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 5. (Complete the Card Carnival Tifa challenge)
- Aerith: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play. (Complete the Card Carnival Aerith challenge)
- Red XIII: When first enfeebled, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 2. (Complete the Card Carnival Red XIII challenge)
- Yuffie: Replace an ally and lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally’s power. (Complete the Card Carnival Yuffie challenge)
- Cait Sith: When played, add Moogle to your hand. (Complete the Card Carnival Cait Sith challenge)
- Cid: When played, add The Tiny Bronco to your hand. (Complete the Card Carnival Cid challenge)
- Vincent: When destroyed, add Galian Beast to your hand. (Complete the Card Carnival Vincent challenge)
- Posh Chocobo: When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 3. (Complete the Card Carnival Go for Choco-Broke challenge)
- Moogle Trio: When played, add both Moogle Mage and Moogle Bard to your hand. (Complete the Card Carnival Mischief-Making Moogles challenge)
- Dyne: When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 5. (Complete the Card Carnival One Shot, One Kill challenge)
- Gi Nattak: Replace an ally and raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally’s power. (Complete the Card Carnival Curse of the Gi challenge)
Gold Saucer and Dustbowl
- Thug: No effect. (Defeat Thug in the Dustbowl)
- Death Claw: When enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card’s power by 1. (Defeat Mary in the Dustbowl)
- Joker: When allied and enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card’s power by 1. (Defeat Pietro in the Dustbowl)
- Grangalan: When played, add Grangalan Junior to your hand. (Defeat Wize 3.0 Ver. 2.0 after reaching Blood Captain rank)
- Ramuh: When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 3. (Defeat Lidrehl in the Haunted Hotel after reaching Blood Marquis rank)
- Leviathan: Lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play. (Complete the Extreme challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Bahamut: When played, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 5. (Complete the Nightmare challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Materia Guardian: When first enfeebled, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 6. (Complete the Infrit’s 32-Bit Flames challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Mythril Golem: No effect. (Complete the Luxury Real Estate challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Gastropod: When first enhanced, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 4. (Complete the Succulent Succor challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Custom Valkyrie: When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 4. (Complete the Behind Enemy Lines challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Gigatrice: When played, destroy allied and enemy cards on affected tiles. (Complete the Chadley the Callous challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Anuran Suppressor: When enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card’s power by 2. (Complete the Don’t Fear; MAI’s Here challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Specimen H1024: Raise the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play. (Complete the High Ground challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Crimson Mare Mk. II: When first enfeebled, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 5. (Complete the Outflanked challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Forgotten Specimen: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 3 while this card is in play. (Complete the Vertical Integration challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Rufus: No effect. (Complete the Back to the Wall challenge in Wonderment Square)
- Chocobo Jockey: When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 10. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Chocobo Square GP Trader)
- Speed Ranger: Raise power by 1 for each enhanced enemy card. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Speed Square GP Trader)
- Haunted Hotel: Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Haunted Hotel GP Trader)
- Skywheel: No effect. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Skywheel Square GP Trader)
- Loveless: When played, raise the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 1. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Event Square GP Trader)
- Saucer Squad: No effect. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Wonderment Square GP Trader)
- Dio: Raise power by 1 for each other enhanced allied and enemy card. (Buy the card for 150GP from the Battle Square GP Trader)
- Sephiroth: When played, destroy enemy cards on affected tiles. (Complete the Boot Camp challenge in Wonderment Square)
Gongaga Region Cards
- Maloceros: When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 10. (Defeat Regina in Gongaga Village after reaching Blood Tactician rank)
- Great Malboro: When played, lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 6. (Defeat Zhijun in Gongaga Village)
- Griffon: Replace an ally and raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally’s power. (Defeat Oscar in Gongaga Village)
- Shadowblood Queen: Raise power by 3 for each other enfeebled allied and enemy card. (Defeat the Shadowblood Queen in the Gongaga Ruins after reaching Blood Executioner rank)
Cosmo Canyon Region Cards
- Insectoid Chimera: Destroy an allied card and replace it. (Defeat Robin in Cosmo Canyon)
- Reapertail: When first enfeebled, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 2. (Defeat Bernard in Cosmo Canyon)
- Two Face: Enhanced: raise power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 4. Enfeebled: lower their power by 4. (Defeat Ka’dina in Cosmo Canyon)
Nibel Region Cards
- Valron: Raise power by 2 for each other enfeebled allied card. (Defeat Turner in Nibelheim)
- Twin Brain: When played, raise position ranks by 2. (Defeat Dale in Nibelheim)
- Emerald Witch: Raise the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play. (Defeat Vincent at Shinra Manor after reaching Blood Sovereign rank)
So, there you have it: a complete guide of all Queen’s Blood players in FF7 Rebirth, where you can find them, and the rewards they offer. Queen’s Blood is a fantastic supplement to the main game, but nothing can beat setting out into the beautiful semi-open world and exploring all that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has to offer. To do that, you’ll need Chocobos, so check out our guide on all Chocobo types and where to find them.